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2College Durendael " activerend didactiek" workshop for 2 -6 regulier HAVO - November 2023

Feedback I have received after recent workshops and lesson observations:

Jan van Brabant, Helmond lesson observations and workshops: June 2023
Concrete situatie-bespreking, met direct toepasbare tips en eye-openers over Clil in eigen klaslokaal. Ook inspiratie voor toekomstige lessen.”
Concrete feedback en goede tips. Waardering was erg fijn. Ik voelde me gezien.”

"I read the observations ......... Amazingly well observed, written and advice."

Most people were very enthusiastic about your courses and observations, so that is definitely something that we might want to continue in the future and something for you to be proud of.”

CSG Willem van Orange, Oud Beijerland June 2023

First of all, the fact that we had a CLIL training to begin with is very helpful. I have been teaching TTO for three years, but never recieved any CLIL specific training of this sort. The amount of practical examples that Jackie brought are very inspiring and easy to translate to my own subject. I also like the 'practice what you preach' style of teaching that Jackie applies. This makes the examples easy to understand.
The workshop also served as an inspiration to start working on a cross-subject project and English speaking skills. So thank you to Jackie for the inspiration
.”   Yannick Schoenmakers.

I have been appointed as a CLIL coach and the many workshop ideas allowed me to re-evaluate my own lessons. In fact I have created an additional range of speaking lessons for my classroom based on the inspiring activities. I have also become even more aware of elevating language in my classroom.”  Danielle Kleijwegt

I can help your school’s development and improve the quality of teaching in your TTO department or in your Dutch department.

Please contact me at:  info@clilworks.nl